Window Units vs. Central Air Conditioning: What’s Better?  

Cooling, Air Conditioner, Blog, Central Air, Cooling Power, HVAC, Installation, Mount Washington, Ohio, Pros and Cons, Window Unit

Deciding how you’d like to keep cool within your household amongst summer’s heat is up to you, so it’s a good idea to think about what is best for you and your home. So, let’s think about this for a few minutes. What is the better selection? Well, that depends, so to help you decide what best fits your needs, Mount Washington Heating & Cooling has provided you with some of the main pros and cons of central air vs. using window units.  

What Are Some Perks To Having Window AC? 

  • Affordable: Window air conditioners are cheaper to purchase and operate than central air. 
  • Less Energy: Window air conditioners allow you to install multiple units so that you can select when and where you choose to use your AC, allowing for energy conservation.  
  • Installation Convenience: With central air conditioning, you have to have a qualified HVAC technician install your equipment. But, if you want to save some money, you can install your window unit yourself, as long as it is safe for you to do so.  

What Are Some Window AC Flaws?  

  • Spotty Cooling: Unfortunately, window air conditioners don’t scatter cool air, unlike central air, so you’ll have spaces here and there that seem either chilly, comfortable, or hot, which can be very annoying as a homeowner.  
  • Poor Filtration: Window units are improving at filtrating contaminants; however, central air conditioning is far superior to window units. So, if you struggle with allergies or asthma, central air may be the better option!  

What Are Some Perks Of Central AC? 

  • Complete Home Cooling: A central air conditioner can cool down one’s home in its entirety, while a window air unit doesn’t circulate air in the whole home.  
  • Efficiency & Features: Central air conditioning contains more advanced features, such as its capacity to filter pollutants from your home environment better than a window unit. So once again, if you suffer from allergies or asthma, it’s something to consider!  
  • Room Temperatures: While a window air conditioner can help cool you off, central air conditioning eradicates any warm spots by circulating cool air throughout your home.  

What Are Some Central AC Flaws? 

The main drawback of using a central air conditioner as opposed to window units is that it is more pricey when it comes to installation, operation, and repair costs. With the only other major downside being that using central air requires ductwork. Ductwork demands regular maintenance to guarantee your home environment keeps clean. Additionally, installing these ducts also involves renovations to your home, and while it’s a good investment, it certainly requires a well-thought-out budget.  

Most homeowners tend to go with central air conditioning over A/C window units. Though, it’s important to remember when selecting the best option that if you must have more than one room chilled, window unit costs will rise, which is not cost-effective in larger homes with the need for multiple units. And please, if you are still unsure what works best for you, call Mount Washington Heating & Cooling today at (513) 655-5115, or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here! We will gladly help you assess what is best for you and your family to beat that heat. 


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